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Monday, January 06, 2014

Always an adventure with Chris

You may remember our wintry trip to the Stone Tower when Chris was visiting the last time.  It’s always an adventure with him.  While we were in Tennessee he wanted to take us to Fontana Dam. Now this is in North Carolina about two hours from Ryan’s house in Tennessee.  So we loaded us all up in two vans and took the drive over on a windy cold day.
   To get there you have to travel the Tail of the Dragon, a curvy famous road that motorcyclists from all over the country come to ride. The Tail of the Dragon with 318 curves in 11 miles, is America's number one motorcycle and sports car road. The road is internationally known and auto-enthusiasts from all over come to challenge its curves.  Jenny and I both took our Dramamine before we left.  Too bad we didn’t give Sara some. We had to stop half way to let her out to get some air.
  Since it is such a dangerous road there is a motorcycle accident on it almost every week and lots of deaths have been attributed to its switchbacks and bad curves.  Half way up there is a small restaurant and the Tree of Shame:IMG_0458IMG_0463
There were two dams that we visited that day.  The first was the one made famous in a scene of The Fugitive.

IMG_0469 The second was Fontana Dam which is so large that we could drive our car across it.
It was an interesting trip…but I must say, the Tail of the Dragon can go on without me.

1 comment :

  1. playing catch up here!
    i've decided i like coming every few days. it's like when you finish a book and want it to go on.
    when i read a post there's another and another! like little gifts!
    love it when things are functional and beautiful both! as these items are.
    and . . .
    have you seen an endocrinologist?
    there was a tumor the size of a golf ball on my thyroid against the trachea. went undetected for ages. it was choking me also. and would have eventually obstructed my windpipe.
    amazingly enough... the cardiologist is the one who demanded an ultrasound and found it! good luck. i'll be holding good thoughts for you. xoxo


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