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Thursday, January 09, 2014

Good morning, friend.  Today I'm off to have cataract surgery. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. It would be a delight not to have to wear glasses all the time.  For those of you who don't know. I only have good vision in one eye. It's a long story but in the left eye I had a cyst, followed by a macular hole and then cataract surgery. I got the cyst from the stress of my father's accident and death. It's been a long, hard road with that eye but finally the vision is better than it used to be.  Before straight things were crooked and it looked like a fun house mirror through that eye.  I still can't read using that eye. Or drive. So naturally I'm a little hesitant about letting someone touch my good eye today.  But it is necessary and I'm hoping for a good result. 


  1. oh peggy.
    YES! i will certainly be thinking about you and waiting to hear how you are.
    i have dry macular degeneration myself so am familiar with the fun house look. my garage door used to look curved to me. i thought... "oh no. it's warped. am i going to have to replace it now!?" LOL.
    nope. just good old m.d.
    thoughts and prayers my friend.
    coming your way. xoxo ♥

  2. just dropping back by.
    i know you won't be on line.
    but want you to know i hope you're doing fine!
    good grief.
    sounds like a greeting card. LOL.
    take care dear heart.
    rest. and rest that little eye.


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