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Monday, January 20, 2014

Clean as a whistle

Everyone loves a clean house. Not everyone enjoys cleaning it. But we all know that it has to be done. I don't mind cleaning except for sweeping for some unknown reason structured deep in my DNA I just I loathe sweeping. I do it of course. But I would rather scrub a bathroom than run a sweeper. When I was working most of the weekly cleaning was done on Saturday. One boy would sweep...notice that?....and one would dust while I did the rest. There were times when I had the house to myself to clean. I'd crank the stereo up as loud as I wanted, light some candles, and dance around cleaning as I went. Now that I'm retired I have a rather loose schedule. If it looks dirty or needs organized I do it. It's easier to maintain when I'm here all the time. 
  Here are a few cleaning quotes for you. 

1 comment :

  1. my sister in law had a sweet little picture in her hallway...
    "warning. this house is protected by killer dust bunnies!"
    i don't mind vacuuming ...
    i have never cared for dusting though... and i'm sure that's partly why i like the tables clear of things! easier to dust.
    i like sunlight coming in. and light shows the dust! LOL.
    cute cartoons. xoxo


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