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Friday, August 07, 2015

Around the lake

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How could you not feel good when you are close to water. I don’t know what it is about it but whether it is a lake, the ocean or just a stream water has the power to take away all your troubles and put you in a peaceful mood. Yesterday at Chautauqua Lake I ate my lunch sitting on this wall by the water.bemus point 009
I was admiring the view with the docks and boats. bemus point 007
Occasionally taking a few pictures with my camera. bemus point 004
When who came swimming by but Mrs. Duck and all her ducklings. What a great photo op. bemus point 021
After they left another duck must have seen a mark because she hung around getting nibbles of my crackers for quite a while. bemus point 031
She preened herself while I finished my lunch.
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That hour made me realize that I need to see water more often. It’s therapeutic.

1 comment :

  1. totally agree.
    fountains especially do it for me. even if it's just a trickle. just the sound of water. it refreshes my very soul.


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