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Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Photography has become so much easier now that digital cameras have arrived. Remember when you took the picture, hand delivered it to somewhere to process it, they sent it away, and maybe in a week you had it back. Then you could see the pictures…some good, some underexposed, some bad, some great. Now it is instant. And even a bad photo can be fixed by altering it in some way. 
   I am still striving to be a better photographer. Scott and Dan both had the opportunity to take a photography class in high school. They both got DSLR cameras early on and were able to improve their photography. I got mine later and my learning curve is a lot steeper. I still haven’t mastered the aperture and shutter speed buttons. But I love to take my camera out and get shots.
     But when I’m at an event or a family get together I am having so much fun that taking a photo is the last thing I am concentrating on. I sometimes forget about it altogether.
   Over the weekend we all took cameras out to the field to watch Chris fly. I loved these pictures I got of Scott.

scott quote four

scott photography quote


  1. i love the ART of photography.
    thank goodness for photographers.

  2. I love photography, when that is the purpose.

    I don't love photography, when the event is passing people by, because they are trying to look through their view finder.

    I did not try to photograph Paris, when we were there. I looked at it. That's what I mean.

    But it is sexy, to see someone with one of those fancy cameras, up to their face!!!!! A male, that is. ,-)

    Keep having fun with your photography!!!


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