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Wednesday, August 12, 2015



The older I get the less I care about stuff. I still like to see pretties but I do not feel the pull to take home another arrangement or seasonal decoration. I want to use what I have and enjoy the things I've collected over time. I think Tammy at Peanut on the Table is rubbing off on me.

Francine Jay, Miss Minimalist: Inspiration to Downsize, Declutter, and Simplify



Do you think the wren ever dreams of a better house?"

― Mary Oliver, Blue Pastures

"Own less stuff. Enjoy more freedom. It really is that simple."

― Joshua Becker

"Owning less is better than organizing more."

― Joshua Becker, Clutterfree with Kids



1 comment :

  1. oh!!! you KNOW i would love THIS post dear bean! LOLOL.
    it does take time. but i do also think it's a bit contagious.
    suddenly space around beloved objects become more important than covering up an area with them.
    they breathe. and are so much more appreciated! at least that's how i see it.
    that urge to make things beautiful is in us all!
    that's why i don't understand some stringent minimalist's blogs where they just show a bed in a corner and a plastic box!!!!
    good grief! but... then. as you always say... 'to each his/her own!" so i won't judge. ;) LOLOL!!! i might wind up with a bed and a box myself someday and have to eat all these words! LOLOLOL. XOXOXO♥ hug sadie for me!


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