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Thursday, August 13, 2015

In our backyard

I love that we live practically in the woods. It is common to see wildlife (remember the bear stories?) It still thrills me when deer walk through our yard. Yesterday mama and two fauns were waltzing through. By the time I got my camera they were on their way to the neighbor’s.
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He put up a salt lick and some food and that is a great attraction for them. In our town there are a lot of people who feed the wildlife. My friend Joan starting feeding birds and ended up with deer, chipmunks, and squirrels as well as birds. deer 013

Our winters are extremely harsh so once they start feeding they need to continue all winter long. We have many hunters in our area but we try to be as kind to the animals as we can. They know who they can trust.
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  1. that just makes me so happy. ♥

  2. A beautiful sight! We used to get whole family of deer. We still keep a salt block out but they don't come anymore.

    Your banner picture is lovely!

  3. I wonder how many people, whose homes sit on what was once wild habitat, ever think about this matter....? We cleared the land, where many animals, used to live.... -sigh-



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