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Wednesday, December 05, 2018

I’ve got the organizing bug

I’m not a slob or a hoarder but organizing doesn’t come naturally to me. I’ve had too many priorities in the past to bother with the theory that everything should have an exact place in your house. Over the years I’ve overcome the habit of laying things down instead of putting them away but even though I can put my hands on most everything in the house and most things are where they belong there are areas that need attention. Today I’ve tackled my basement. Specifically the small store room where my seasonal decorations were carried down from the attic. Don has put up metal shelving and I’ve bought plastic bins..clear ones...that fit two to a shelf.  Over the past few years I have made a great effort to pare down my decorations and now I am down to just one shelf full of fall decor.  Plus a big bin of pumpkins and a large floral arrangement. Now I am working on the Christmas shelf. 

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