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Sunday, February 24, 2019


Ten thousand flowers in spring,
the moon in autumn,
a cool breeze in summer,
snow in winter.

If your mind isn't clouded
by unnecessary things,
this is the best season of your life.

~ Wu-Men 

This is the best season of my life. And I’m not talking about winter, spring, summer or fall. I’m talking about old age. I feel so wise now and all those petty things I worried about when I was younger now seem such a waste of time. I wish I would have learned sooner that some things really don’t matter so much. Now I know what is most important. Love. Just love.  


  1. I've written this poem down. Not letting my mind be clouded by unnecessary things, there's the rub. I like what you wrote here too, Peggy.

  2. Love is what it's all about!


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