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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The little fellow

This little fellow keeps us entertained every day. We just wait for him to come down to the feeder. There are actually two that come..a red and a gray squirrel. I think they are very happy that they don’t have to work very hard for their dinner. 

We put out some peanut butter mixed with seed and they have been feasting and not saving much for the birds. 


  1. They do keep you entertained.

  2. I LOVE that first photo ~ wonderful photo editing! I enjoyed all the others too. I'm sure the squirrels appreciate some easy-to-find food during this cold winter!

  3. Wow, what a photo that first one is! Squirrels are such favorites of mine, I don't care if they do eat a ton of our bird seed. I even have an old statue of one in my kitchen window now and he's looking out and I've caught squirrels looking in at him. Now you would have gotten a picture of that, I bet. I must be more on the alert and have at least my phone handy.


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