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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

a Few Answers


There is a little game going around the blogs to answer a few questions so here goes:

1. Where is your ideal retiring place?
     I know you are not going to believe this, but I like it right here in Bradford.  I enjoy traveling, but when it comes to peace and quiet this is the place to be.  It is relaxing here. I have the woods right out my back door.  There’s no real traffic to speak of and things are easy to get at.  Of course I have to sacrifice good shopping and restaurants but I can be to a big city in just and hour and a half.

2. Which food do you not see yourself eating.
   I’m not very adventurous so I wouldn’t eat octopus, squid, or any of those other sea creatures.

3. If you have an opportunity to ask one question to your favorite celebrity, who and what question will it be?
  That’s one I have never though about.  Celebrities don’t impress me much. I guess I’d ask President Obama if there really was an area 51 and what really happened.

4. What do you think is the most romantic food?
  It has to be chocolate covered strawberries. I will never forget eating a large Godiva covered strawberry while waiting for the gondola . (It was in Las Vegas, not Venice. But it was romantic all the same.)

5. Whose blog do you visit the most?
Between Naps on the Porch has to be my very favorite. She has parties like Metamorphosis Monday and Tablescape Thursday.

6. If you are to award one blogger who and what would it be?
I’d award Color Outside the Lines because he is a decorator who is near Niagara Falls (so I feel he’s local even though he’s two hours away.) I love his blog pictures and design ideas. The award would be BEST INSPIRATION.

7. What are you most passionate about?
   I think it might be decorating or setting a pretty table. I love to entertain too.

8. What foreign language do you wish you could speak?
   No contest,  French ! I would love to know what everyone is saying when I go to France. And I want to be able to read the signs too. 
9. Were you a member of a club in high school or college?
   In high school I was in the Chess club and National Honor Society. (BOy, that makes me sound like a geek, doesn’t it?) In college I was in the Pan-Hellenic Society and Beta Chi Upsilon Sorority.

10. Do you prefer a sweet or savory dish?
I’m a sweet-a-holic!

Well, that’s it. Why don’t you give these questions a try and post a comment with your answers?
paris tower

1 comment :

  1. John and I are very happy retired right here in Bradford.

    Between Naps on the Porch is also my favorite blog. I love metamorphasis Monday. I have gotten so many projects done and my table scapes are much improved.

    In high school I was part of a dance band. I played the piano and I loved it.


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