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Sunday, March 03, 2013

Have you eve had one of those days?

Has this ever happened to you? You have some time on your hands (as I did today) and something pops into your mind. I decided to do an organizing project. I feel I neglect my lovely piano. Don usually isn't big on surprising me but one Mother's Day he sent me out shopping and when I returned this beautiful piano was waiting for me. I love to play. But you know how it is. There are so many other distractions that I don't often sit down there. Admittedly I hardly ever sit down to play. But today I decided to go through my old music. I kept it in a clear plastic box under a bed in the spare bedroom. It was full of piano books and old issues of sheet music magazine. I went through the magazines one by one tearing out my favorites and throwing away all the rest. It took a lot longer than I expected it to but I was happy with results. I am at the stage in my life where I feel the need to simplify.


  1. Yes! Simplifying is good! I'm writing this and sitting here looking at my neglected piano. I must find time soon to sit down and play, if I remember how! Your piano is lovely.

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Why don't we play our pianos more? I love my piano and I love to play but I don't take the time.

    I need to make a date with the keyboard.

  3. When we start our card games, you must sit down and tinkle those ivories and let us enjoy hearing you play :)


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