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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Sara celebrates Cinco de Mayo

Aren't little girls just the cutest?



  1. You're back! I've been so scattered since I got back from Hawaii that I didn't realize you were posting. Suddenly having Terry home after more than three decades of hime going to work has been wonderfully distracting. I am loving it. You've had so many interesting posts. Yes, little girls are darling, and they remain darling even when they grow up! That mystery dish is a butter dish, no doubt about it. Lots of my great aunts and grandmothers had them ~ Mom too. And of course, I have one. I'm glad that you had so much fun with your sisters. I have three and adore them. I'm never happier than when I'm with them ~ aside from Terry of course. Toss in my brother and I'm in hog heaven. I can so related to what you were saying about too many boxes of Christmas decorations. I've been slowly paring mine down, but then I keep adding! They all have meaning to me! Good luck with your weeding out! Loved the daffiest, of course. When I was born, my father gave a bunch to Mom, so daffodils have always been special to me. I so miss pussywillows out here on the high, dry plains. I always picked bunches of them every spring. $10 for a bunch? Sacrilege! I feel that way every time I walk into the supermarket and see rhubarb selling for $3 a small bunch. Rhubarb was practically a noxious weed in parts of Nova Scotia. I can't deal with photography cheat sheets! I don't have the patience to play around with all those dials and attachments. Point and shoot on the fly, that's me! I'm so glad you're back. You are such a bright, joyful, and uplifting voice in the blogging world!

    1. Yikes, I didn't realize this was so long! Sorry!

  2. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing pictures of Sarah :)

  3. ditto tessa!
    sweetness for sure.
    and i love the name sarah. i once named a darling little blonde cocker spaniel of mine sarah.

  4. i'm sorry! i spelled YOUR sara's name wrong! actually i spelled my little sara's name the same way! LOLOL!!!
    don't know why i put an h on it here! LOL.


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