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Monday, May 04, 2015

Some photography cheat sheets

I think it's time for me to get out my Canon Rebel and begin to take some photos with it. It's very easy and confident to use my ipad to take shots and process them with apps so I have gotten lazy about my photography. I still have so much to learn and found these cheat sheets and though I would share if anyone is interested. I think I'll print them out and keep them in my camera case. I need to go on some walks puts with my camera in hand. Practice is the only way I'm going to improve my photos.






  1. uh.... sorry! i'm of the 'point and click' school!!! LOLOL but in total admiration of photographers who aren't!

  2. While I am "laid-up" with Siatica, I am leaving this comment..... Tessa was here. :-)


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