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Friday, May 15, 2015

There are signs

Each day there are more signs of life as the leaves and plants awaken. The peonies are sprouting faster and faster now and it won't be too long that they will produce those large pink flowers.

Those ever faithful hostas...the plant that even I can't kill...are growing up so fast. It is such a dependable leaf, always coming back after the hard winter and spreading itself around.

And then there is Jenny...creeping Jenny. It started with just a little bit and now covers all the top of the pond area. I know it can be invasive but if I keep it under control it lends a bright green all summer long to brighten up that space.

Mr. and Mrs. Frasier Crane are also on display. Today I brought more things from the basement. It seems like the magic hat. I keep going down there and there are more and more things to bring up. And I said I was going to keep it simple this year?? Ha, ha. I do seem to find a place for everything though and try not to get it too crowded.

I also planted some geraniums. Tomorrow I must make a trip to get all the flowers I need. We almost had a frost last night and I hope that it was the last frost warning we will have.



  1. Our un-kill-able Hosta, is killed. Simply amazing. Never seen this happen, before. The winter??????????

  2. No, actually, we think it was a mole. Mole holes along one of the places, our Hosta used to thrive.

  3. It's fun to see your gardens growing, Peggy. I do so love peonies! One of our neighbors had a similar set of cranes outside her duplex. I kept telling my husband I was looking for a T-rex statue to put in ours. She moved away before I could find one. I'm still looking! Have a great day looking for flowers tomorrow!

  4. HAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE mr and mrs frasier crane!


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