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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Art day

Yesterday was my last time to go to Mayville for art class. So I went up for an all day class where Susan taught in the morning and we made collages in the afternoon. Collage is not my favorite medium but it is good to get out of my box and stretch my imagination. It is always a fun time and I learn something new every time. 

There was a huge estate sale on the way and I picked up this colorful apron which mimics the colors in my kitchen. There was so much glassware at the sale. It is a shame that now people are passing and their precious teacups and fancy flowered plates are not enjoyed by the next generation. I hope we are not the last women who enjoy setting a fancy table and using our “better” things for company. There were also so many linens, table runners, and lace. It is like I’m seeing an entire way of life changing before my eyes. 

One of the girls at art class has an Etsy shop and made these delightful blocks that I had to bring home with me.

Now I will be on the lookout for children’s wooden blocks to decoupage on. These blocks just spark joy in my life.

 “It always pays to dwell slowly on the beautiful things...the more beautiful the more slowly.”  Atticus

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