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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It's still here.

See the white stuff?  It's still here today. I have decided that I spend way too much time talking about the weather. When did it happen that the daily weather became such an obsession to me?  I think it was after I retired. I found myself ruled by the daily weather. If it was bad I adjusted my schedule. No running errands if it was pouring rain. That could wait until a sunnier day. No traveling on icy roads. I could just do something tomorrow. 
  When I was younger and working I only gave the weather channel a cursory glance. It didnt affect me much. Don had a saying that you can't let the weather bother you or you'd never do anything in Bradford. So I'm going to challenge myself not to talk about the weather...good or bad for one week. Think I can do it?


  1. Think you can refrain from talking about the weather, for 1 week?


    Guess it depends on the weather.


    -ducking, running and hiding- From that lame "funny"...

  2. Wondering... What is the pretty pink flowered Background, which appears for a second, when I first access your blog? Only about a second, but long enough to see/register it. :-) Then the present yellow Background appears and stays.

    Did you install a pretty, pink, flowered Background? And then install this pretty yellow Background? Without un-installing the pretty, pink, flowered one?

    Inquiring bloggers want to know! -grin-

  3. and i was going to quit commenting on all the blogs i visit.
    you go girl!

  4. Laughing...how can we not talk about the weather!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.