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Friday, January 02, 2015

State of the blog address. 2015




What a cute title. I stole it from Tessa at Here there be Musings who borrowed it from another blog.






My blog started simple and I have tried to keep it that way. I did it as a journal for myself. I didn't need a lot of readers...though I am grateful for each and every one. It was intended to be a record of my life for my family and friends. ...and I find myself going back in posts now to remember some things.



As I continued to write daily I found a voice. My intention was to have a blog that was visually pleasing and content that was worth reading about. At first I was afraid to write anything of a personal opinion nature. Did I dare tell my innermost feelings? Then as I kept blogging...I've been at it since 2006 I just let it all out...well, most of it anyway.





I became a better photographer with practice and better and better cameras and found great enjoyment in the art of telling a story with pictures.






Then I got readers...then commenters. What joy! To know someone likes your blog enough to read it once in a while...or even daily...is a great validation. I so look forward to seeing how others feel about the blog.






I still feel this blog chronicles my life and leaves a record of me on these pages. And it's made me realize that I am important. What I have to say is important. ...even if only to me.



  1. Lovely post, prompted by "The State Of The Blog, 2015"!!! -grin-

    Me'thinks we all could do one of these. Even if it is done, to help ourselves clarify just what _makes_ us, want to blog. Because for me, I _have_ to blog. ,-)

    I _have_ to write. And I _have_ to post pictures. My own and lovely, cute, whimsical ones, I find on the Net. With their source. And I _have_ to ponder things, in writing. And I _have_ to point out things, which interested me. I _have_ to.... Well, I guess I just I _have_ to... Blog. :-)

    Let's all keep right on blogging! Even if *they* say, that blogging is *dead*... And even if we don't get as many comments, as we get readers. And even if some blogs, get loads of comments. And others, don't get the number of comments, we think they deserve. :-)

    Onward! In Pretty Blog Land!


    1. You are definitely a writer and a creative person and your blog gives you a chance to express that. Don't even worry about the comments. Some people just like to visit and enjoy. I know I am guilty. I have so many blogs on my sidebar and visit daily but don't comment on most of them.

  2. Re: Your comment in my blog.

    Calling my blog "delightful... easy.... breezy..."

    What a wonderful and delightful comment.

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!


  3. in a special box in my closet are journals of my beloved little mother. kept through the years.
    when i'm strong enough to read them . . . sometimes it's easier than others . . . but ALWAYS it's as if she were in the room again with me . . . i treasure reading and re-reading them in different years.
    i think your blog will be like that in years to come for your children and grandchildren. a treasure of you.
    and just as a wonderful added benefit . . . the rest of us get to delight in 'season to season' and YOU! thank you peggy! XO♥

    1. How wonderful to have your mother's journals. What a treasure. Do you ever read Standing into Danger on my sidebar? Louise or Fundy Blue publishes her dad's letters from Lansdown every Friday. He taught Indians in Canada and canoed to the school. I think you would love reading them. Tell her I sent you over.

  4. Oh, I hope Tammy's right, that our children and grandchildren will read our posts--someday! I'm not holding my breath but I am printing them out, just in case. After all, much of the posts are about them!

    State of the Blog is something we all should evaluate occasionally. It keeps changing for me but then I change too. I can't imagine blogs dying out but then I know that email has as my sisters and I now mainly keep up with each other thru FB. Phone calls? Mostly a thing of the past. Good or bad, I don't know but that's reality.

    I'm sure there will be some new thing eventually and you'll probably beat me to it, Peggy, as you have grown so much, tech-speaking. My daughter gave me a mini iPad for Christmas and I'm about to tear my hair out. So far I can't see deserting my laptop for it except for using it to read e-books on and to hopefully buy a Jambone and switch over to that for my music instead of buying more CDs. Do you do that? Otherwise, everything seems so much easier on my laptop.

    1. Oh Dewena, you are ahead of me on that...Jambone? I use an MP3 player that I have downloaded CDs on. But have you tried the Pandora app for your mini? You would love it. You can choose your gebpnre of music and then listen to it while you are surfing. Don gave me some wireless Bluetooth headphones for Christmas and I put them on, tune to Pandora and can clean house while listening. I really need to get my blog into book form. I did it for the first few years but need to get caught up. How are you printing them out?.i used bLurb before and they made a lovely book for me.

  5. Your blogs keeps me up to date with all that is going on with you, even though we live that close to each other.... :)

  6. Hi Peggy! I love your blog, and when I fall behind I catch up on every post. Your blog is like putting on a favorite pair of old, soft socks ~ comforting, welcoming, soothing, warm, cozy! Like your voice in your videos. We all have valuable stories to share, and you often remind me of all that is good in this world.

    Sorry, I've been out of commission with ~ drumroll ~ viral vertigo ~ The latest gift from the cold that keeps on giving week after week!. Who knew that congested eustachian tubes can lead to a false alarm dental crisis and heart attack like symptoms of nausea and vertigo? Thank goodness I have an amazing dentist and primary care doctor! LOL Even though my head is still spinning, I am happy to be seriously OKAY! And I have my favorite snuggy socks on right now!
    Take care!

    Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts. And thanks so much for the kind words above!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.