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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

The results

Today I braved the snowstorm and went for my doctor’s appointment in Olean, a town about a half hour away. Don drove me and I was so glad because the winter storm was really raging with sleety snow and bad roads.He is an excellent driver especially in the snow. There is an art to driving when your wheels slip out from under you.
   I went to a gastroenterologist to find out why I keep choking. For those of you who do not know my history I have had choking episodes for over six years now. After every time I have had a throat scope (EGD) and although the doctor found ulcers in my esophagus and stomach and most recently ring and spasms he didn’t stretch the esophagus.  This time I saw the Physician’s assistant (I guess you can never see the big guy anymore). 
    She discussed my problem with me and did a brief exam. I am going to have another EGD on March 4th and hopefully he can stretch my throat out so that I’m not deathly (and I mean deathly) afraid to eat.  I have only eaten soft foods for a month now since I choked on a pill early in January. I am hopeful that this time they can get to the bottom of my problem because each time I choke I’m afraid I will not make it. This last time was enough to put me in a depression for many weeks.
   Anyway, my computer is back working perfectly and I did a little Photoshopping. Hope you enjoy these.
snow quote

do not give upwinter passes


  1. It's been a while since I have been on here...I am now all caught up with your daily ways of your life :) see you around when it thaws...lol

    1. Hi Lou, see you on Friday for the Valentine's tea.

  2. Hang tough, Peggy! It's hard enough to deal with choking, but to add depression on top! You come across as strong and positive! I know you will keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep on walking. It sounds like your Don is an awesome hubby! I will say some prayers for you! Take care!

  3. Thanks, I try to always be positive but almost dying has a way of bringing you down. I'm better now that I know something will be done. Just hope it works.

  4. oh dear heart. now another WAIT until march 4th. WHY one wonders can't it be done before then? as you can see. i'm not a patient person when it comes to things like that. my own ordeal last year took MONTHS from the time it was discovered until they actually did something. i guess in the meantime if we don't die... then that is nice. LOL.
    and yet... not a laughing matter at all. one has to just relax and let it unfold as it will. not ever easy for me to do.
    i am holding you in prayer and only good thought. this is going to come out alright. better than alright. just FINE. stay strong.

    and i love your waterlogue picture as a header. though i was in love with the picture of bradford too! it's so like the town of bedford falls in that wonderful movie "it's a wonderful life!" . . . and last but not least . . . adorable grandbabies!!!

    1. Thanks, Tammy. The picture in my banner was made using one of my apps but not waterlogue. I want to download waterlogue but then I would have to update my ipad to ios7. I'm debating about that because I like the looks of ios6 and it is what I am used to. Oh how I hate change...lol!


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