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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Punxy Phil does it again

Once again our Pennsylvania prognosticator has predicted six more weeks of winter. It's been. Long cold one so far and we will really appreciate the sun and warmth when it comes. 


  1. Hey, Peggy! We're in for six weeks more here in Denver too! On days like today, I miss my third graders! we used to have so much fun on Ground Hog Day. Have a great week!

  2. we finally got some moisture!!!
    about 4 inches of snow.
    it's beautiful.
    an ice storm later this week.
    let's hope they're WRONG about that. dark grey here. and cold.
    he must have seen his shadow.
    poor little guy. or is it that he didn't see his shadow? LOLOL.
    whichever. it's not ending anytime soon! xo


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