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Friday, February 14, 2014


I could spend the whole day reading blogs. Ever since I first discovered that women blog and put their life online I have been fascinated,,and practically a voyeur. First I discovered Rhoda at Southern hospitality. She was so generous with her how tos and decorating secrets. She also helped me a little with some blogging problems.  Then the decorating world came alive for me. I could click and click on links and suddenly be on a house or garden tour. I could see do it yourself projects and crafts. I could be in the country, at a flea market, thrifting or right in the city. The world opened up. I started bookmarking my favorites to return time after time. 
   I always love to discover a new blog. Today it was Knee Deep in Dandelions. The photographs on this blog are detailed and gorgeous. She taught me to look at the little things. Her camera work is outstanding.  Here is one of my favorite photos. 


  1. Thank you for you kind words! I love photography and there is always so much more to learn. Looking at blogs is a great way for me to learn more, not only about photography but many topics. I started my blog last November and had no idea, like you said above, that so many women share their passions online. I am going to hang out and peek at your blog now for a bit :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by!
    Michelle @ Knee Deep In Dandelions

  2. Hi Peggy! When I started blogging, I had no idea what to expect ~ certainly not meeting so many awesome people. I was pushed into it before I knew anything about it by my special friend, Ron. He writes a darling blog


    from the point of view of his labradoodle Sophie. Ron and I went to school together in grade 8; but my family moved almost every year, and I didn't see him again until university ~ and by then we were swirling into different worlds. But now I communicate with him almost daily, and it brings me a lot of joy. And blogging has made me friends with Ron's husband too! Jim is an awesome photographer. I could go on and on about all the wonderful people out there, including you!!!! I'll check out your new blogging find right now! Take care!


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