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Monday, March 12, 2018

Hopping down the bunny trail

I see grass.  There are patches of brownish yellow grass where the snow melted off a little yesterday as the temperatures climbed above freezing. We always wait for the last snowfall which is unpredictable. We have been famous for St. Patrick's Day blizzards in the past but I think global warming has made a difference here since our winters have been so much milder lately. I noticed the tiny stalks of daffodils have peeked their heads up in the flower garden. 

Sit quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.
—Zen saying

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    i love that particular Zen saying. it's true.
    and your house bunnies!
    that carrot looks real!
    they're so adorable.


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