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Monday, May 14, 2018


Do you see that bag of garden soil over there? 

And that one too? They are sitting there just waiting for better weather. I have some holes to fill in where the barberry bushes were.  And I want to build up some of my flower beds. Mulching will come later. It looks like the tulips have disappeared in the small flower garden maybe crowded out by all the grape hyacinths. I definitely need to thin those out this year and move some of them elsewhere. 

I bought a few plants to put in pots and in the herb garden and they sit waiting as well. 

Each year I say I won’t buy as much but after a long white and gray winter I welcome all the color. 

Our new pump for the pond arrived in two days (Hail Amazon Prime!) so we will be completing the cleaning of the pond and get it ready for the season. Don had to replace a leaky hose. 

Geraniums seem to be one of my favorite flowers lately and I can get them to last all summer. I can’t wait to visit the garden center and pick out more. The recent rains have made the grass grow so fast. I hope that we have some dry days between the fifteen day forecast of cloudy and rainy. 
Today I am off to the Giggle Girls to play games. It is so good for our souls to laugh like that. I see the sun coming out. I tried to take Sadie for a short walk in the cemetery today but one of the wheels fell off the buggy. I hope that Don can fix it because Sadie loves her walks. 

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    and WE love Sadie! give her a hug from me please! XOXO


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