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Thursday, May 03, 2018

So busy

These beautiful days have given me a burst of energy. It could also have to do with starting a diet...again. When I eat right I am not sluggish from sugar. I’m having trouble getting to sleep because of the energy. But the energy is a good thing because I’m cleaning and organizing like mad. And I’m also donating a lot.  My favorite saying from Nikki of Nikki at home is “ Let it be a blessing to someone else.”  That little saying has made getting things to leave the house a lot easier.  

I did make time to take Sadie for a walk too she just loves getting out of the house.  I also shampooed my living room rug and put away my winter clothes to the attic. Can we say I’m tired now? 

1 comment :

  1. Yes, you can definitely say you're tired! You've earned it. Way to go!


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