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Monday, May 07, 2018

These Spring days

It is that time...I call it the ants coming out of the anthill.  It is a time when the weather gets nice and everyone is outside doing chores....mowing lawns, raking, picking up debris from the winter. I was no exception. I hired a local boy to come down to thehouse for an hour and pick up all the branches and sticks that had fallen due to heavy snow. Last year I did all that and I know I bent down about a hundred times so I was glad for a young boy to take over that chore. I also had him dig up some barberry bushes. I don’t know why I planted them where I did but one time Don lost his balance and fell right into one of the bushes and ended up with prickers all up and down his arms and in his hands. I was happy to see those two bushes go. He also dug up another small spreading bush to make room for different plants. I want to redesign my small garden surrounded by the picket fence this year. 

On Saturday night we took our guest over to Olean to one of our favorite restaurants the Beef and Barrel where we had beef on weeks (that’s kummelwick rolls). It is always a treat. We watched the video Commuter with Liam Neissen which we enjoyed. Sunday we spent just relaxing and visiting. It has turned a little colder again but I hope to get out in the flower beds again soon. 


  1. It IS like ants coming out of an anthill! We all come out of hibernation to work in our yards. It is nice to see neighbors again who we haven't seen in a while and see kids growing too. Getting help with yard chores is a great idea! Sometimes there just seems like too much to do and we are all sore after we do it all. Enjoy your spring weather!

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing your garden redesign. Kudos to you for getting some help with your yard. We live in a townhome and the landscaping is all taken care of. I love that! I hope that it is warming up again for you.

  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    i'm so happy for you that spring is finally here!
    we are having days already almost 100. so no spring. straight to high summer! oh well! xoxo


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