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Thursday, September 13, 2018


Bedraggled...left limp or wet as if by rain

Yesterday I took down all the little Black fencing that surrounded my picket fence area. 

The flowers are fading as they put out their final blooms. It seems that most of the plants are looking worn out and shabby. I really think that it is time to let go of all the annuals.

But it is hard when they are showy like these impatience.  

The herb garden is way overgrown and needs tending to   All this week I have been under the weather and not feeling that great. 

A Little aside...as I was sitting on the porch swing two chipmunks practically ran right over my feet.  

This morning I went over to have my hearing checked. I have hearing aids and love them. No sense missing out on conversation. Everything is fine.  While I was there I stopped at Marshall’s to see if anything would jump out at me. Nope, nothing.  I have no desire to shop lately. Can you believe that Tammy?  

Tomorrow is my last time at Mayville to compete a collage. I have certainly loved taking that class. 

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    " Nope, nothing. I have no desire to shop lately. Can you believe that Tammy? "
    LOLOL!!! YAYYY Pegeen! you've discovered the soul of the artist that really resides FIRST in you perhaps?!!!
    maybe all the vignettes and decorations already bought have always just been great practice for you.
    you do beautiful work. and you'll miss the class. but you know you'll create. it's YOU!
    and I hope you feel better soon darling bean. XOXO


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.