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Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I know you’ve had one...a sleepless night.  I go through periods where I can’t sleep. I get sleepy and maybe even fall asleep for a few minutes but I wake right back up and am wide awake. So...I lay there  mistakingly thinking I will go right back to sleep if I just lay still. After an hour of that I try listening to a podcast on my iPad.  Thanks not such a good idea since I’m interested in what they are saying and it doesn’t put me to sleep. So finally at two I got up to go in the sunroom and watch tv. My body must have thought that I started the day because I was wide awake at three thirty. Even though I wasn’t tired yet I went back to bed and finally fell asleep about four. Yes, I’ve tried melatonin which relaxes me but doesn’t make me sleep. I’m careful about not having chocolate or caffeine after noon. But it happens once in a while. You too, huh?  


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    yes. and I used to be able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat and sleep all night.
    not now.
    it seems to go in cycles. I honestly think it's a moon thing! it will be a full moon soon. the 23rd I think?
    I keep thinking I will be like a scientist and observe but I always just forget to do it. but I try to relax and not worry about.
    but it's rather disconcerting!
    the keys are interesting in the photo. is there a particular history they share? I see old Spencerian script behind one of them!

  2. Yes sleepless nights happen to me too. A good friend told me she had read the worst thing you can do is to lay there hour after hour. The advice was to get up. I have a good friend who used to clean cupboards and mop the kitchen floor. I find that an hour of TV like the Andy Griffin Show works well. The other suggestion is to get up, go to the bathroom, get a drink of water and then straighten the bed clothes, fluff your pillows and try again. Sometimes one solution works sometimes another. At least we don't have to go to school in the morning.

  3. I'm beginning to accept that sleeplessness sometimes is just a thing I need to deal with. Most of the time I'm a gret sleeper.

    The keys are a little art project of mine. I got the frames and keys at Michael's and printed out some background papers. I added ribbon and had a display for the shelf. Easy-peasy.

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Find the most boring podcast you can and listen to that. There is even one called Sleep with Me Podcast that is boring bedtime stories that put me to sleep.


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