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Tuesday, September 04, 2018


Sean is getting so big. He is ten now and starting fifth grade.  

Just had to show you my glitter eyes courtesy of Sara. 

I used to hate doing self portraits..thought it was vain. But I took an online course about it a while ago and lost that feeling. 

Bought a new top at Ivy’s..my favorite store in Tennessee. 

Not a very clear picture of the new hall light.  

Today is haircut and color day. And my art class too. It will be good to get back to painting. I’ve missed it. I’m getting caught up at home..laundry, etc....and putting out a little fall decorations.  


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    "you're a pistol!" as my darling daddy used to say. and it was a high compliment!
    it meant many things in one I was to discover. he liked spunkiness. and he liked redheads! LOL!
    and he adored my little mother though she wasn't a red head. but she was small and spirited.
    and she could look very glamorous! just as YOU can!
    the picture of you and Sean is wonderful! and I see I'm over working the exclamation points! LOLOL!!!
    love you!
    hug my sweet Sadie girl for me. XOXOXO

  2. I love the self portraits!! Keep them coming!!


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