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Sunday, February 10, 2013

What did you do today?

I colored my hair:

Don took Sadie for a walk to Marilla Reservoir where he saw the local water rescue team practicing an ice rescue. PICT0151

We went to Salamanca for lunch. I’ve always wanted to take a picture of this yellow barn.

To celebrate the Chinese New Year we ate at Seven Dragon.

Then we went to the Antique Mall to look around. I found a small pitcher to hold my honey. A picture will follow later.
It was a great day out with sunshine and warmer temperatures. Even though it was –2 when we got up the sun quickly warmed it up to the thirties. It felt good to get out of the house. Don once had a booth at the Antique Mall when we decided that we were finished with out collecting phase and into the new phase of letting go.
  So what did you do today?


  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    oh my gosh.
    I love red hair.
    you look like auntie mame!
    a compliment for sure.
    it's late.
    I came by to visit.
    intend to be back tomorrow and spend more time browsing.
    just watched downton abbey.
    tammy j (from the peanut)

  2. Anonymous11:27 PM

    this computer is crazy. it says it's only 8:25. it's almost 10:30!
    getting used to this new thing. tj


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