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Thursday, February 22, 2018


The roses died but the lilies live on.

I love making art out of photographs and have so many photo apps on my ipad that I forget about using them. I love to take a picture and manipulate it so easily. Yesterday I took some cures of the lilies and green flowers with some greenery that was left from the Valentine’s bouquet that Don gave me. I used the app Stackables.  Here are the results. 

For these I used a combination of apps.


  1. That next to the last one! Remarkable! You must have so much fun with this.

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    i absolutely love these.
    what beautiful paintings they would make too. i mean for you to paint!

  3. These are wonderful, Peggy! They take my breath away! I'm getting all of my photos into iCloud. It's going to take forever, but slowly slowly I will get there. I need to get this photography thing under control! LOL You are my inspiration! Happy weekend to you and Don!


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