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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my good friends out there. IF i were there I would give you a great big hug! thanks for stopping by and saying hello. i love you!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Peggy! And thank you so much for the reminder of this fabulous episode! What a woman!

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    that is one of my all time favorites!!! and the Vitmina Midgy Fix! LOLOL.
    I loved Lucy so much when I was 7 I had mother fix my hair like hers!
    I DID! and they humored me by fixing mine that way.
    I wanted to dye it red too but that was nixed of course. LOL
    we love you too!

  3. Love and hugs right back at you, Peggy! I hope that your Valentine's Day was great!


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