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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Yep, this is the way we spend our summer. yesterday was only seventy five and a perfect day for sitting outside on the breezeway. I’m reading The last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine. I’ll let you know how I like it. 

The flowers are finally having their rebirth and things are looking gorgeous once again. It has been a very dry summer and the lawns were beginning to brown until that nice soaking rain the other night. 

Sadie and I went for a walk on the University trail. I just had to stop and take this picture. This guy was really relaxing. 

This is my latest painting from class Tuesday. I want to go to Erie on Saturday and find a frame at Michael’s. I really have loved getting back into painting. I am learning to be less self critical and just enjoy the process. I have found that I like painting flowers best of all. 

Yesterday the air conditioning guys didn’t show up...and didn’t call. The same on Monday. I had heard that this is what happens with contractors but the company owner was so nice and polite that I was sure he wouldn’t be like that. All it would take is a phone call from them and we wouldn’t have to sit around for hours waiting on them. I am now very anxious to get this project finished. 


  1. I love that painting so much! And sweet Sadie looks like she should be in a Renoir painting. You should do your paint app on that picture and see what happens. Isn't it irritating to wait on someone who said they would be there? It's as if they're saying your time is not as important as their time.

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    " It's as if they're saying your time is not as important as their time."
    that's EXACTLY what they're saying it. I call it the "blow it off generation!"
    remember when that was the catch phrase? anything they didn't particularly want to do "oh blow it off."
    and now they own companies. they don't say it now maybe. they just don't show up! wow.
    what happened to me? I get grouchy in this heat! it's still in the triple digits here all week. tonight it's to be 90 something at 9 o'clock. I'm in my 'sick of summer please just let it end mode!" LOL!!!
    lovin' my little courageous Sadie girl there. AND...
    WOW. your picture is absolutely beautiful! seriously. beautiful. XOXO


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