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Wednesday, January 03, 2018


In November I received a box of essential oils in my Nikki box. (AT home with Nikki sends you a box of goodies every month as a subscription. ) I really wasn’t sure what to do with them. She provided a recipe for making a kitchen counter spray which I love. Yesterday I finally bought a diffuser. It’s purpose is to steam scented water vapor into the air. I found this one in Walmart. It is very easy to put in the water, add a few drops of essential oil, and turn it on. You can’t tell from this picture but it is silver filigree. It has a light switch which enables it to turn different colors if you want. It really puts out a lot of vapor into the room which is good since our houses are so dry with the heat on all winter. But I must say I was disappointed with the smell. It said to only add two drops it I didn’t find that it was enough to make a difference. I will add more today and see if I can get that lovely smell in the room. If you have any ideas for me on how to use the essential oils please share. Thanks.

1 comment :

  1. These diffusers are so very popular, but...please google which oils can harm pets...I just read where a couple of oils are a danger to cats...


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