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Wednesday, January 03, 2018

I am me, that is enough

Do you have an inner critic? That small voice in your head that picks apart the things that you have done. The voice the plays over and over like a record on those nights when you cannot sleep?


We tend to be our worst enemy and very unforgiving of our faults. It is a strong person who can project self esteem when with a crowd but also when alone.


I found this poem and wanted to share it with you.

to see this clearly by May Stein

I am no magic trick, no doer of miracles, no water walker.

I am no architect of glory, no layer on of hands, no angel wing.

I am no weaver of gold, no mythmaker, no parachute artist.

I am no halo of stillness in a down pour.

I am no treasure chest, no hero, no thunderbolt wielder.

I am no rabbit foot or lottery number.

I am no combination lock, or mystery ingredient, no optical illusion.

But here is a handful of sunflowers from the florist’s sidewalk jungle.

Here is a blanket to spread on the grass for an afternoon.

here is a song on the radio that calls for dancing.

here is a chocolate bar I will share with you.

here is a road sign, a notebook, photographs of those I have loved.

here is a slice of bright blue sky, a hummingbird thrashing her wings around an apricot tree. To see this clearly is enough.


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