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Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Mr. Fixit or as I call him K-man

There are a lot of things to love about a husband and of IMG_8381course I think I’ve got the best one there is. One major thing I appreciate about him is that he can fix just about anything. He has the kind of mind that relishes solving a problem or making something work again. Over the years there have been countless items that I have brought to him in my hand saying , “this won’t work”. Just today he fixed the gasket on my humidifier. Without him I would have thrown it out and purchased a new one.

And he helped me assembly a essential oil diffuser (I’m so bad with things). Over the course of many years he has been my electrician, plumber, car repair serviceman, tinkerer, and assembler. He can take apart almost anything and get it working like new.

He passed that skill onto both my sons. My oldest Chris is a mechanical engineer who has 7 patents and works in research and development. My youngest Ryan is in maintenance at a large water park and does all of his car repair work himself. There isn’t much that they can’t fix between the three of them.


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