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Friday, January 12, 2018

I’m so tired of little annoying problems

Now another electronic problem...the tv won’t turn off.  It seems that I have been vexed lately with little annoying problems. When it comes to electronics it seems to take a superhuman effort to solve them. I dread having to call technical support. One, it’s very hard to even find a human and two, when you do sometimes their accents are so pronounced that you can’t understand them. It’s hard enough to follow those step by step directions when you are totally unintelligent in electronics but having to decipher an accent on top of that is just too much for me. 

So ..happier things....I picked up this hyacinth at our new Aldi’s store out by the mall. What a beautiful store it is. I had shopped in the one in a neighboring town and I’m very happy that we have one right here now. The produce was lovely and they have some foods that just aren’t found at Walmart. Last year I had purchased a hyacinth bulb with a container this shape but despite my best efforts it never really grew. This one has a great head start with all those white roots. I really need the sensory input of spring because it is far, far away. Last night it rained all night and melted the snow which caused flooding around our town. Tonight we are expected to get a snowstorm with deep snow so I plan on staying in all weekend. I needed this hyacinth for my soul. 


  1. My husband bought me a hyacinth too at Aldi's. Nice to have a little something spring like to look at in all this crazy weather.

  2. I hope you are as snug as a bug in a rug today, Peggy! Your hyacinth is a lovely reminder that spring will come, hopefully sooner than later. I wish that you could send some of your snow here. Our snowpack is about 80% below normal. I share your technological frustrations, especially when I have to call for help. Whenever I get someone whom I can't understand, I ask him or her to speak more slowly because I can't hear well. It is true that my hearing is getting worse, and by sharing that I'm not putting the issue on them or their accent. And if I'm still not getting what they're saying, I ask them to repeat slowly until I do. You've probably tried these techniques too, but perhaps you haven't. Stay warm and safe today!


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