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Thursday, April 12, 2018


Is there anything that says Spring more than a forsythia branch in bloom? I once had a forsythia bush in the back yard but with the new landscaping it went by the wayside. I let a bad landscaper talk me into getting rid of some established plants. Having never hired someone before I made a mistake with that man. He overcharged me for some cleaning up around the house and then wanted a fortune to relandcape. His plan that he showed me was unimagined and easy for him to do while being boring. But the worst thing was when he said, “You will see it my way”. That was all it took to fire him. I found another who was excellent and didn’t put in a plant until he had me approval. In the end I was very happy with the result. I am very anxious to get outside and get the flowers beds back in order. It is so gratifying to watch the leaves pop out of the ground and grow into flowers. This has seemed to be a long winter. It promises to warm up this weekend and I will enjoy it. 

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    that mantle is so beautiful!
    this is my second visit! i got a glimpse of the blue and white earlier but before I could comment I spilled my glass of water!
    not on my keyboard thank heaven.
    but by the time I got out and got it cleaned up ... and replied on the peanut... here I am again. Clumsy Cate!
    breathing in the beauty that looks like Spring. it's 90 here or got close to it. and the wind is gusting to 45 and 50.
    and yet then it's supposed to drop to 29 either tonight or tomorrow night!!!
    I'm GLAD you fired that impudent know it all!
    that painting and the blue and white ... oh my. just makes me happy. xo


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