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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Taking time out

A strange thing happened last night. I went to bed and ....woke up twelve hours later. This never happens. I didn’t have to get up for coffee this morning because some of the girls had a previous engagement so I knew I could sleep in. I told Don not to wake me up and just let me sleep for as long as I could. I was very tired when I climbed into the bed at nine o’clock because the night before I had been awake for an hour and a half during the middle of the night. I couldn’t hold my eyes open and was sleeping by nine thirty. Of course I woke up several time during the night to go to the bathroom (yes, it happens) but then went right back to dreamland. I am a dreamer and my vivid dreams are a complete other world to me. I woke up briefly at six to look at the clock and decided not to get up yet so back to sleep I went. Finally I woke up and looked at the clock.  9:40.  !!!!!  I never sleep in like that. And I was still groggy and had a hard time waking up completely. All I can say is I must have needed rest. For a week my body has been trying to fight off something and I think it was happy just to have sleep to heal. I’m still amazed that I could sleep that long. 

It must have improved my mood because I decided to add some placemats, napkins and plates to my table. 
I am trying to get inside jobs done before the weather gets so nice I will want to work outside. Yesterday I climbed up the attic stairs and condensed my Spring/Easter decorations into one big bin. I am trying to gather things for a sale that Linda will be having in the summer. I am so happy when something leaves the house. Today I am going back up to find more things for the sale. 


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    your spring colors and table are just beautiful Peggy!
    and i totally believe that sleep and rest are the best medicine. our body soon tells us when it needs that.
    and you must have needed it or you wouldn't have rested so well. just don't be falling on any attic stairs!
    or ANY stairs for that matter! :) xo

  2. I'm glad that you got a nice long, restorative rest, Peggy. Your spring table setting is gorgeous, as always. I could use a good long sleep. I've been working out really hard, and I am tired. After my setback last summer, I'm still trying to get back to where I was. I'll get there. All the best to you!


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