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Monday, April 09, 2018

Tuckered out

We are home safe and sound. It’s always good to get back into Bradford after being away for well over a week. We make a quick stop at the post office to pick up the mail and then at the store for milk and lettuce and stuffed pork chops that I can throw in the oven for a fast and easy dinner. On arriving home I unload the car. Since Don has COPD he can’t lift anything heavy without getting out of breath so all the unloading is up to me. I do it as fast as I can...many trips back and forth. I don’t know how we have so much...two suitcases, his oxygen machine, all the clothes on hangers, Sadie’s bag, my extra electronics bag, and a few boxes filled with my purchased goodies (more on that later). After I unload I always say I will wait till later to put things away..but I never do. I like to get things out of the road right away and things back in their places. Then I sat down to rest for a while, took a nice not shower after all that road traveling today and watched American Idol from last night. So far I’m not real impressed with the talent. NOw Don and SAdie are having a well deserved nap. 

1 comment :

  1. This photo made me smile, Peggy. What a welcoming and cozy spot to chill. There is no place like home for man or canine. Kudos to you for being able to get everything away so quickly. I'm not as fast, but get it out of sight as quickly as I can. As for all those unloading trips ~ Just think of the calories you burned and the steps you racked up! Take care!


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