It must be the season for it. I’ve got the Spring Cleaning bug. I can’t resist the urge to organize drawers and closets. I must take advantage of the feeling for it doesn’t come often. I figure it’s instinctual because it isn’t in my nature to be OCD. But I love the feeling of getting it done. I just finished reading Decluttering at the speed of Life which gave some advice about letting things go. The older I get the easier it is to let go..especially of things I find don’t fit the life I lead now. I have a bag of clothes to donate and my drawers look a lot better now. I am astonished to say that I actually have two (really..two!) empty drawers in my dressers. I’m sure with summer clothes coming I will find something to fill them up with. Pulling the bins from the attic and rehanging all the clothes is a mighty chore which will be done soon. Is it just in the north that we have two different distinct clothes in the closet? My next chore will be letting go of some of my winter coats. In the book I read on decluttering she suggests that you think of your house, your closets, your drawers as containers and only keep what will comfortably fit in the the container. Choose your very favorites to keep and only keep what you have room for. That way your house will not be overstuffed. (That is the problem isn’t it? Too much stuff. ) What can you let go of?
I have the cleaning and pitching bug, too, Peggy! Good luck as you go for it. I've observed my three sisters all downsizing to move, and it's definitely inspiring me! Hugs to you!