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Sunday, June 03, 2018


The beginning of June is magical. Our extremely warm weather has broken and now it is our usual mid seventy days and lovely evenings. Most of the hard work is completed and it is time to relax and enjoy the rest of the summer. 

Last evening we went out to dinner with two other couples to celebrate our husbands birthdays which coincidently are all the first week in June. 

After a nice dinner at Togi’s we all came back to my house for German chocolate cake with coconut pecan frosting and ice cream. 

It was such a pleasant evening chatting with friends. After they left I went out to take a few pictures of the courtyard in all its glory. 

I know we will be spending a lot of time outside this summer.


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    it sounds wonderful!
    and the pictures are so beautiful! and probably don't even do it justice.
    German chocolate cake with the pecan coconut frosting... my favorite!!!
    happy birthday to Don! xoxo

  2. Thanks Tammy! We sure love it outdoors in the summertime.


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