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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Putting things away

After all our travels I was worn out so I went to bed and was fast asleep by nine last night. I slept so soundly I didn’t wake up until seven. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. Sean willingly gives up his room to us when we visit and his bed is comfortable but I love my bed at home. It is very quiet here after all the activity of Christmas. I always enjoy that quiet time in the morning when it is still dark and I can watch the sun come out...that is if the clouds stay away.  This has been an unusual winter with very little snow. We are used to seeing white most of the winter but now the grass is showing. It is still cold however so I wore my new jacket, red hat, and blanket plaid scarf to coffee this morning.  It was good to see the girls after being gone for so long. After I got home I started taking down my Christmas decorations. It takes a lot less time to put them in their bins than it did to take them out and very soon I had all the bins stacked near the hall in just a short time. I took a little time to have some tomato soup for lunch and then the exhaustion of vacation caught up with me. I took myself to bed to lay down and rest. Unfortunately I am not a napper but I stayed horizontal and warm for a few hours. When I got up I carried all the bins and the tree down to the basement. I must admit that I like having the decorations stored there and not having to take them up the pull down stairs to the attic. I left out some greenery and pine cones for a winter touch. 

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