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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Tidying up

Have you read this self help book? I read it last year and liked the concepts it contained but it wasn’t until Netflix began the series called Tidying Up that they hit home. Marie Kondo is a delightful tiny Japanese woman who simplifies keeping house. She has organizing systems for everything and wants you to “Spark joy” in everything you have and use. 

Just watching the program gives you ideas on how to make your own home neater. Today I tackled my dresser in the bedroom. I thought it was fairly organized but when I rolled and stored all my socks upright it dawned on me that this system really works. 

I continued with all my drawers, folding and placing my pajamas, nightgowns, and underwear upright. 

It gave me great pleasure to fold things neatly and place them in an organized way. Now I will continue to another dresser before tackling my closet.

1 comment :

  1. Hi, Peggy! I read Marie Kondo's book last year. I must get Netflix! I didn't know she had a show on it. I laughed when I saw your neatly arranged socks. I arranged mine, too, but they are standing up on their ends ~ must be the memories of my father's socks arranged in military style. A neatly organized drawer gives me pleasure. Am I weird? I bet you understand!


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