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Sunday, January 08, 2017

Preserving memories


After my parents retired to northern Georgia the first thing we did when we visited them was to get out the old photo albums and look through the pictures. Some in black and white reminded me that there was a time when there was no colored film. There were old pictures that my father took when he was young and dating and we got a glimpse of a handsome younger man in his prime. Pictures stuck in a black paged photo album with pasted corners.

When the newest, latest, hottest camera was the Poloroid Don and I delighted in taking "instant pictures". No longer did we have to take film out of a camera and take it to the store, wait for a week and then pick it up again. Now we pulled a strip from the camera, waved it in the air to dry and watched and a black and white picture magically appeared.

Then the movie camera hit the shelves and we carried that large camera on our shoulders as we recorded our children and our lives on a big VHS tape. It was a step up from the old8mm camera and projector. Even now on rare occasions we get out those old films and that rickety projector and watch those old films.

I became even more interested in photography when I started to blog. I knew the blog would be a record of my life and I wanted pictures to go along with my thoughts. I upgraded to a better Fuji camera and the idea of using a chip and transferring the photos to the computer became an obsession. I continued to read about photography and take a few online classes and felt the need to have a real big girls camera. I got a DSLR and really put intention in my photos. I still have a lot to learn about photography but enjoy the journey.



  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    a beautifully written post. and you're right. I don't have nearly enough pictures of my parents.
    the fact that they left life so soon even makes it more poignantly felt.
    your blog will be a literal treasure someday... for your own children!

    1. I hope that someday someone will appreciate it. My boys have a busy life and never read it now.

  2. what a BEAUTIFUL post!!!
    i feel touched by your lovely way of thinking ,so true that we take photo to rejoin the moment and feel the joy more then we felt while taking it .
    while blogging i think one day when i will be return to my mysterious world of End [which is not end i think] my boys will [may be] will search and read my blog to know me or to remember me .
    thank you for precious post dear friend .
    have a wonderful new year.

  3. With that Blog book you have created,those boys a day their children will treasure it for the rest of their lives...

  4. I love this post, Peggy! That last quote really hit me, because as the photographer, I am often not in the photo. Thank you for taking me through photography's Memory Lane and for sharing your thoughts! Sending you a big hug, Peggy!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.