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Monday, January 02, 2017

Best intentions

I had such wonderful plans for a fresh new year but fate had other plans for me. I've caught a bug that is going around and spent the day running to the bathroom. No cleaning or putting away Christmas decorations for me. That will be put off until I am feeling better.






  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    oh dearest bean! I hate to hear that.
    but your sense of humour is certainly not affected! or should I say infected!!!
    I love every one of these quotes. they made me laugh.
    get well soon!!! XOXO♥

    1. Thank you Tammy. I still am missing your blog. Any thoughts on taking it up again?

  2. I'm sorry to hear that you caught a nasty bug! I hope you're feeling 100% very soon! I'm thinking about loosing weight right now ~ as I drink red wine and eat chocolate! LOL Sending you a big hug and lots of love, my friend!

    1. Thanks Louise, as all bugs go it finally went. I'm so happy that you got to enjoy your holiday with your family. I got a kick out of your comment. I ate so much sugar over the vacation but now am ready to get back on track. .

    2. LOL! I'm still eating Christmas candy! Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Knock on wood, no nasty bugs for me! Retirement for me has meant being much healthier and not getting sick so much. I love the kitty joke! The essence of a cat!

  3. If only...we can enjoy all that we devour and not gain an ounce...


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